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International School of Chemometrics - 2025
ISC - 2025

José Manuel Amigo Rubio

Research topics: Data Mining, Machine Learning in Chemical data (a.k.a. CHEMOMETRICS)

His Current research interests include hyperspectral, multispectral and digital image analysis applied in many different fields (Food Sciences, Environmental Modeling, Forensic Sciences, Pharmaceutical Production, etc.) and teaching chemometrics. He has authored more than 170 publications (120+ peer-reviewed papers, books, book chapters, proceedings, etc.) and given more than 60 conferences at international meetings and given more than 30 courses world-wide. He has supervised or is currently supervising several Masters, Post Docs and PhD students and he is an editorial board member of four scientific journals within chemometrics and analytical chemistry. 2014 - Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems Award for his achievements in the field of Chemometrics. 2019 - Thomas Hirschfeld Award for his achievements in the field of Near Infrared Technology.

Rasmus Bro


Rasmus Bro (born 1965) studied mathematics and analytical chemistry at the DTU and received his M.Sc. in 1994. In 1998 he obtained his Ph.D. (Cum Laude) in multiway analysis from the University of Amsterdam. Since 1994 he has been employed at the Department of Food Science, Quality and Technology of the University of Copenhagen, and in 2002 he was appointed Full Professor of chemometrics. He has had several stays abroad at research institutions. His current research interests include chemometrics, multivariate calibration, multiway analysis, exploratory analysis, experimental design, numerical analysis, blind source separation, curve resolution, MATLAB programming, and constrained regression. In 2000 he received the third Elsevier Chemometrics Award for noteworthy accomplishments in the field of chemometrics by younger scientists, and in 2004 he received the Eastern Analytical Symposium Award for Achievements in Chemometrics. He has authored more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers, several books on chemometrics, and more than 20 proceedings, book contributions, reviews, and patents.

Davide Ballabio

Graduated in Environmental Sciences in 2002 and since then he has been working in chemometrics and chemical modelling. In 2007 he discussed his PhD thesis (Multivariate analysis applied to food science) and he is now professor of analytical chemistry, chemometrics and chemoinformatics at the Milano Chemometrics and QSAR Research Group (University of Milano – Bicocca, Italy). He has 15 years experience in multivariate analysis applied to both analytical and QSAR (Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships) data; he also likes to code MATLAB toolboxes for the calculation of multivariate models and share them publicly. You can find some of them in the Milano Chemometrics and QSAR Research Group website:



Federico Marini

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Federico Marini received his MSc from Sapienza University of Rome in 2000 where he also completed his PhD in 2004, and he is currently associate professor of Analytical Chemistry. In 2006, he was awarded the Young Researcher Prize from Italian Chemical Society and in 2012 he won the Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems Award. He was Marie Curie fellow at the National Institute of Chemistry (Ljubljana, Slovenia), and has been visiting researcher in various Universities and research institutes. His research activity is focused on all aspects of chemometrics, ranging from the application of existing methods to real world problems in different fields to the design and development of novel algorithms. He is author of more than 200 publications (papers in international journals and book chapters), and he edited and coauthored the book Chemometrics in food chemistry (Elsevier). He is the past-coordinator of the Chemometric group of the Italian Chemical Society, and currently the vice-president of Italian NIR society and the coordinator of the Chemometric study group of EUCheMS.

Morten A. Rasmussen

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I obtained a Msc in Food Science and Technology in 2007 and a PhD in Chemometrics in 2012 from University of Copenhagen. My focus is to brigde statistics with applied food- and Health science, and I have visited statistics departments at Stanford (2010) and Harvard (2015) to complement my profile in this regard. My research focuses on development and application of mathematical and statistical models for integration of high dimensional heterogeneous data characterizing a biological system, especially with focus on untargeted metabolomics and microbiome within food and Health. The development of high throughput analytical platforms have seeded a need for data analytical tools for integration of these heterogeneous data. Such tools should produce reliable and interpretable models. In my research we have developed tools for integration of multiple data sources, especially focusing on parameter sparsity yielding models that are often more robust but merely easier to interpret. We have done this for longitudinal sensitization patterns in childhood, immunological profiles related to asthma, plasma-metabolomics for prediction of breast cancer several years ahead, longitudinal progression of newly diagnosed type I diabetes in children and the early life microbiome in relation to development of chronic childhood disorders.

Asmund Rinnan

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Åsmund is applying and developing chemometric tools to solve real-world problems. The current research is on multivariate data analysis applied to spectroscopic data, with a special focus on multi-dimensional fluorescence.

Anna de Juan

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Anna de Juan is an associate professor at the faculty of Chemistry of the Universitat de Barcelona. Her research focuses on the theoretical development of Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR) and application to process analysis, hyperspectral image analysis and general analytical and bioanalytical problems. She has published more than 140 works (h index = 41, WoS) and has given more than 200 presentations in international conferences. She received the 4th Chemometrics Elsevier Award in 2004 and the Kowalski Prize from J. of Chemometrics to the best-applied paper in 2009. She serves in the Editorial Advisory Board of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems since 2002 and of Analytica Chimica Acta since 2006. Her teaching activity covers undergraduate and graduate topics related to Chemometrics and Analytical Chemistry and she has been invited Prof. for short stages at U. de Lille (France), University of Dalhousie (Canada), Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy), Institute of Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences IABS, Zanjan (Iran), Universidad de Santa Fe (Argentina) and Universidad Pontificia de Valparaíso (Chile).

Agnieszka Smolinska


Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, NUTRIM School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism, Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML), Maastricht University, The Netherlands.


Agnieszka (Agi) Smolinska studied Chemistry at Silesian University in Katowice, Poland. In 2008 she moved to the Netherlands to perform her doctoral study at Radboud University in Nijmegen (The Netherlands) in the group of Prof. Buydens. During her PhD she worked in metabolomics. She combined Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with advanced machine learning techniques for biomarker discovery of neurological disorders, mainly Multiple Sclerosis. She obtained her PhD degree in 2012. After her PhD, she has been working as postdoc at Maastricht University, The Netherlands and Dartmouth University in USA.  Her current research group (at Maastricht University, The Netherlands) is focused on the multiple applications (for lung diseases, chronic liver diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, and irritable bowel syndrome) of volatile metabolites in different biofluids and finding their relation to the gut microbiome using chemometrics, machine learning/multivariate statistics. Since 2020 she has also been working at Owlstone Medical, Cambridge, UK, for further development of exhaled breath research for medical applications. She is a membre of metabolomics society, international association of breath research and tresurer of Ducth chemoemtrics society. She is in the editorial board of Scientific Reports, Journal of Breath Research, Metabolites and Analytical Science Advances. She was granted with various international and national awards and grants (best PhD thesis, metabolomics young scientist, Veni NWO, Niels Stensen fellowship, Transcan-2, Nutrim seeding grant), has supervised 5 doctoral theses and has authored 55 publications.

Sergey Kucheryavskiy


Born in 1976 in no more existing country, USSR. Defended PhD in Physics and Mathematics in 2001 and right after that he took a break and was not active as a researcher for several years. In 2004 started rebooting his carrier and decided to change research interests towards Chemometrics. He started from the scratch in 2007 as assistant professor at AAU and has been gradually developing his career as chemometrician since then.

In his spare time Sergey works on various pet-projects. Thus, from 2013 he has been developing R package “mdatools” for multivariate data analysis and preprocessing with one-two major releases every year. The results of these activities can be found at and his GitHub

Anders Krogh Mortensen


Anders Krogh Mortensen (AKM) is a computer vision and machine learning engineer. He recieved his MSc (Information Technology) from Dept. of Engineering, Aarhus University in 2014, completed his PhD in 2018 at Dept. of Agroecology, Aarhus University. Following a four year postdoc at the Dept. of Agroecology, Aarhus University, he became an assistant professor at Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aarhus University. His work includes extracting information and building classification and regression models collected from RGB-, multispectral-, stereovision-cameras and LiDARs mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles, field robots and tractors in the field as well as multi- and hyperspectral cameras in the laboratory. This includes writing software to integrate the sensors, extracting features from the sensor data, and calibrating/training models using both hand-crafted features and raw data in data-driven approaches (deep learning). Much of this work is performed in the free and open-source programming language Python. AKM is also a proponent for open-source and therefore shares as much of his work as possible on his Github page:
In 2024, Anders left academia to go fulltime in the company The AI Lab ( providing prototype development, consultancy services and vision systems with a heavy weight on data science and Python programming.

Beatriz Quintanilla Casas


Beatriz Quintanilla Casas studied Food Science and Technology at University of Barcelona (Spain). She obtained a MSc in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics in 2017 and completed her PhD in 2022 at Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Barcelona. Her PhD thesis focused on developing tools for assessing sensory quality and authenticity of food products, combining instrumental techniques and chemometrics under untargeted data analysis approaches. Since October 2022 she is a PostDoc researcher at the Chemometrics group, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen (Denmark) and has been recently awarded with a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship by the Danish Data Science Academy. Her current research focuses on applied chemometrics in the food science field - especially flavour science- including gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, multiway analysis and language models.

Carlos de Cos


Carlos de Cos is Customer Success Engineer at MathWorks Education. He supports teaching and research at Nordic universities, simplifying problems and moving towards interactivity and time efficiency. Before joining MathWorks, Carlos was a postdoctoral researcher in human-robot interaction at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. He holds a PhD in Robotics focused on aerial manipulation, and a BSc plus MSc in Aerospace Engineering with a specialisation in aircraft and spacecraft, both from the University of Seville, Spain.

Mario Lovric


Mario is a group lead at the Institute for Anthropological Research in Croatia and a Senior Research Associate at Lisbon Council. He teaches at the Universities of Rijeka and Osijek in machine learning applications for life sciences. 

After his chemical engineering degree, he pursued a PhD title in computational toxicology. Currently, he is conducting research at the intersection of environmental sciences and medicine.

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For further information, contact José Manuel Amigo (

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